Time Flies!

Hello all!  We have totally been missing in action from our blog, and we apologize!  During the last leg of our trip, internet access became a more difficult thing for us.  Because of our phone carrier, we have been domestically roaming since we hit South Dakota.  This means they cap off our amount of data that our unlimited data plan is supposed to offer!  Kind of stinky!

Once we arrived in Skagway, Alaska we found out very quickly how difficult and expensive Wi-Fi was here in the last frontier!  Since we had spent a lot of our budget to take our trip up here, the first three weeks in Alaska were without internet.  The only access we had was at the public library…and only during designated hours.  It was an eye opener for us because living in Orlando, internet is so accessible that you take it for granted without even knowing that you take it for granted!!!

After being cut off from the world for several weeks, we finally broke down and spent the money to get internet.  It cost a fortune in deposits and fees, just to get it turned on…and the bill is almost $140 per month.  JUST FOR INTERNET!  We have no cable along with that!  From what we have been told, the prices just went down this year…so for that, I guess we should be thankful.

By the time we got the internet, we were really in the mix of our new jobs and working a lot of hours.  We felt so far behind in our blog updates that we did not know if we should finish posting about our trip up here or start about our Alaskan adventures!  It just became a non-priority for us!

Well, now we have settled in and we cannot wait to tell you all about the fun stuff that we are doing here in Alaska.  We will start posting about our adventures in the upcoming weeks, and we hope you enjoy following!  Sorry for the delay in getting back to you guys!

We will still share about the last leg of our journey, it just won’t necessarily be in order!  We hope you enjoy!   Stay tuned!


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